BRAID Graphic:
Design Development

Summarised feedback on initial concepts:

Concept 2 favoured due to its strong imagery, use of video as well as still images, and clever use of generative AI UI elements. Develop the flexibility of this option, given that it presents parameters of using a prompt or question. How could other elements of a Generative AI system be used?

Colours and typography of Concepts 1 and 3 work well for the school setting, giving it a positive and fresh feeling without being childish. Concept 3 strongly emphasises the collaboration with young people, evokes ‘activism’, but is missing the connection to Generative AI iconography and imagery.

Next steps: Create further elements of a Generative AI system to give the concept greater flexibility. Use still and moving imagery that invokes the connection to Generative AI iconography and imagery. Propose an ownable, flexible visual aesthetic that can have multiple iterations over the course of the project.

 1: Generative AI  Elements

    Two interchangable ‘prompts’ (/imagine and +create) that give us greater flexibility, in particular removing the need to frame text and taglines as a question.
    • To further emphasise our collaboration with young people, addition to ‘activist’ signs of handwritten questions and opinions that we’re inviting from young people:
      — I want my teachers to know this about AI…
      — Can I have a non-human friend?
      — Here’s how we could use AI in our classroom!

    2: Iconography and Imagery

    A curated set of interchangable still and moving images linked to young people and education that invoke Generative AI imagery and iconography. This give us an ownable, flexible visual aesthetic that can have multiple iterations over the course of the project.
    • Creative writing
    • Coding
    • Persona creation (
    • Art creation 
    • Music composition
    • Language translation
    • Skill development
    • Teaching/Learning

    Proposed imagery for blog post [could use still imagery]

    Proposed imagery for Digital Skills Education blog post

    3: BRAID  Image

    BRAID have asked for a square image to post on their website (and possibly their Instagram) alongside information about the project. 

    3: Accessibility

    Careful consideration is required where bright colours and animation are used. Proposed approach to address this:

    • Provide both a still and a moving version of each iteration, to be used as appropriate based on context. 
    • Do not use more than one moving image in a post [images on this page are placed next to each other for review only]
    • Use alt-text that describes the prompt, e.g. ‘create a generative A.I. portrait’ or ‘imagine generative A.I. in schools’

      4: Rollout and Usage

      Now that we have a solid concept and aesthetic in place, we can be nimble about creating new iterations. Our ‘recipe ingredients’ are:

      i.   An /imagine or +create prompt, relevant to the post
      ii.  A selection of related images, arranged as a collage 

      5: E-flyer for  zine-making workshop

      • Are date and location information necessary?
      • Still image will be most useful for email
      • —The future of A.I. is in OUR hands
        —Create: your own zine
        —Join our zine-making workshop

        The Steadings, 4 Binny Stables,
        Ecclesmachan, EH52 6NL

        ©2024 DOG AND FOX